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Last Slice- Baking Blog Challenge #7

Last Slice    This semester has been a long, but enjoyable ride to say the least for instance the most difficult thing I found was the whole process of making sour dough bread and ice box cookies because it was my first time baking sour dough, I didn't know what to expect, and also learning how to maintain my temperature with the ice box cookie dough. While there are many difficult things, there are just as many appealing things. Here are some just to name a few, making a pizza from scratch, braiding enhanced yeast breads, and frying-up world-fair donuts.    This experience has increased my passion to become a pastry chef. For instance as we learne d at the beginning of the semester there are many traits necessary to become a successful pastry chef. Those traits consisting of knowledge, skill, taste, judgement, dedication, and pride. Basic baking allowed me to experience these traits first hand. A few of the traits I experienced where knowledge because I had...

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